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    You have questions and we have answers. Here are a few common questions we receive.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Here are some of the answers to commonly asked questions:

    Affordable. Our standard price for a 50-minute session is $100, making us one the most affordable options in this area. We are dedicated to serving our community in a way that is accessible to all. If you are in need of a further reduction, don’t let financial issues be a barrier. Please email us and we will be happy to work with you.

    Yes, we do. We take Medicaid funding for adults and children who are 21 years or younger. We accept Blue Cross Blue Shield as well. We are currently working towards becoming network providers for other insurance panels, so please contact us if you are currently with another insurance provider.

    We are not in the business of keeping people waiting for mental health. From the time of our first contact, whether by referral or by the individual directly, it is our policy to schedule within 72 hours. If we are not accepting patients because our clinicians are at capacity, individuals will be given the option to wait for our services or referrals for other local providers will be given.

    That depends. Trauma sessions, whether CPT or TFCBT, generally take anywhere from 10-16 sessions. Other areas of concern are typically addressed at the pace of the individual. Highly motivated individuals or individuals with fewer symptoms may resolve their issues in a few sessions. Others may need more time to “warm-up” and process. Expect with child clients that there may be a few sessions that are simply “get to know ya” sessions. Children need to feel safe and understood in order to make the changes or move forward. One of our great pleasures at Restoration is partnering without Tiny Clients, but we ask that caregivers be both patient and involved in this process.

    Yes! Because telemed services are sometimes not covered by insurance panels, we offer them at a reduced and affordable rate. These sessions are convenient and 100% confidential/HIPPA compliant. Telemed sessions are $75 per session. And, as with our face-to-face sessions, don’t let finances be a barrier to help. Contact us today to see about fee reductions.

    Yes, we do. Our clinicians are able to address a range of issues but have received extensive training in trauma recovery and resilience. We can ensure excellence in all of our work, though, in treating: depression, anxiety, ADHD and impulse control issues, marital and relational difficulties, family conflict, grief and loss, and other mood disorders. Our promise, also, if that we will make sure you get access to the best of care. Restoration is dedicated to partnering with other local agencies to be sure that we are keeping ourselves aware of the best clinicians practicing in our area. If we know of a clinician or agency that is better trained to meet your specific needs, we will get you in contact with them. It’s not a competition; it’s a mission to get the best for our clients.

    TF-CBT stands for Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This is a specific evidenced-based model for treating trauma in children and adolescents. The model incorporates emotional identification, relaxation strategies, trauma recovery, and parenting support to help our Tiny Warrior Clients to overcome the hardships they have been through.

    TF-CBT sessions range from 12-16 sessions and have a very high efficacy in treating children with trauma.

    CPT stands for Cognitive Processing Therapy. This evidenced-based treatment is targeted at adults who have been exposed to severe trauma, who have a history of unresolved childhood trauma, who have been exposed to vicarious trauma (first responders, veterans, nursing staff, witnesses of traumatic experiences), who have undergone domestic violence or sexual assault, or who are going through the traumatic loss of loved ones. CPT is about “doing battle” with the thoughts and attached feelings that may be poisoning an adult’s sense of self, their intimate relationships, or other areas of functioning. CPT is usually between 8-12 sessions and should only be performed with a CPT trained clinician. Individuals who complete CPT have a very high likelihood of reducing PTSD symptoms to the point of being considered subthreshold (no longer qualifying for the diagnosis). Help and recovery may only be a few weeks away.